• A special letter

    This week we have been reading Matisse’s magical trail by Tim Hopgood and Sam Boughton.

    Matisse is a magical snail who, at night, draws pictures for children to find.

    This morning we received a letter from Matisse and a bag containing pens and stones.

    He asked us to create our own magical drawings. We had great fun and thought hard about what shape our stone was and what we could draw.

  • Bug Hotels

    This week we made our own little bug hotels in old tins.

    We used a selection of sticks, straw, stones, pine cones and leaves to fill up our tins.

    We made sure there were some tightly packed spaces but also some space for little bugs to crawl into and hide.

    We then went outside and found a good place to put them.

    We put some on walls.

    We hid some in the leaves on the ground.

    We can’t wait to check next week if any insects have moved in!!

  • Caterpillars!

    This week we received a very special parcel. Inside were caterpillars, food and all the equipment we need to support the caterpillars to grow into butterflies.
    We carefully placed each caterpillar into its own pot with the correct amount of food.

    Today we have watched them wiggling and crawling around their pots. Each night we carefully cover them with a blanket so they don’t get too cold!

    We are looking forward to watching them over the next few weeks as they eat the food and grow!!

  • Patterns

    Today in art we were learning to create patterns using things we could find in the classroom. This linked to our maths learning too. We started by looking at some of the fabulous pictures that the artist Andy Goldsworthy creates.

    These inspired us to create our own patterns.

    We all had great fun and are looking forward to making more patterns!

  • Welcome back!

    We started our new term by reading the non-fiction book ‘Our World’. We discovered lots of different environments in our world. We learnt what they were called, what they looked like and where we would love to visit and not love to visit!

    We also painted ‘our world’, thinking carefully about the colours and shapes we used.

    We were very proud of our paintings!!

    Outside we created our world using large blocks, planks and crates.

    We had the north and south pole, the jungle, the ocean (full of sea creatures), mountains and a large city (where we all lived!). It is a work in progress and we are looking forward to adding more to ‘Our world’.

  • Pancakes!!

    On Tuesday Class 1 had great fun making, flipping and eating pancakes.

    We followed a recipe together to make the batter, all helping to weigh out and measure the ingredients.




    Together we whisked and discussed how the mixture was now a liquid and we could pour it into a pan. We all watched carefully as the grown up cooked the pancakes.

    We then had a go at flipping them. We were shown what to do and all shouted “hoopla” each time, and laughed a lot when one dropped on the floor! We then had a go at flipping a pancake ourselves (using a cold pan and pancake). It was great fun.

    Finally we got to eat one. They were delicious and we chose from either sugar, lemon or syrup for the topping.

    Happy Pancake day everyone!!

  • Snow!

    Today we had the joy of snow!

    We all wrapped up warmly and went outside to explore!

    It was quite wet and slushy but very cold. We made footprint patterns in the fresh snow and then gathered it up in our hands! It was freezing 🥶.

    We wanted to make some snowballs and throw them. We didn’t want to hurt each other so we threw them at the shed!

    We hope that you have all had a fabulous snow day☃️!

  • Weaving and sewing

    Last week we had great fun weaving paper strips through a paper weaving frame. We had to thread the paper over, under, through, in and out and we had to push and pull to create a pattern.

    This week we used plastic needles and wool to sew a line of stitches along a piece of hessian. We really concentrated hard to thread our needles and remember to sew through the material from the front to the back.

    We had to push the needle through the hessian from the front to the back and pull the wool through. Well done Class 1 you were all fantastic sewers!

  • How to catch a star

    This week we read the book ‘How to catch a star’ by Oliver Jeffers. We loved this story. The little boy really wants his own star and tries lots of different ways to catch one. He climbs to the top of the tallest tree, gets a life belt, finds his rocket ( it has run out of petrol) and finally asks an unhelpful seagull.

    We thought carefully about how we would try and catch a star. Here are our ideas:

    Climbing a high mountain or hill was a popular idea.

    Some of us thought that jumping was a good plan too.

    Our final idea was to climb to the top of something very tall.

    Fantastic ideas Class 1 and fabulous writing too.

  • Whatever Next in Class 1

    We have had a busy first week back in Class 1. On Monday we read ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy. Through the week we have been using our imaginations like baby bear in the story and built our own rockets. We used boxes and tubes and wellies became space boots and a sieve was a helmet! We had to work together and share all the equipment and we have loved it!

    On Wednesday we practiced weaving. We threaded ribbon and wool over, under and through the holes in numicon and wire racks. We had to really concentrate.

    Today we practiced weaving across the playground on our bikes in our Balance ability session.

    What a fabulous first week back. 😁

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